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Sunday, 09 March 2025
Горная Шория
Горный Алтай
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Туры в Сибири arrow Belokurikha arrow Entertainment and Recreation: Treasure of the Golden Altai
Туры на Горный Алтай Поиск дешевых авиабилетов
Все туры Авиабилеты

Entertainment and Recreation: Treasure of the Golden Altai

Entertainment and Recreation: Treasure of the Golden Altai

The entire resort is a great natural and historical attractions, unique chronicle of a century of life in Russia. Opportunity to learn about interesting places Belokurikha and Altai attracts people not less than the improvement in sanatoriums.

Mountain the Church, which are really shaped like a church with a rounded dome, formerly was called Kaachu (Kach) and were considered sacred in Altai. You can climb the mountain on a chairlift cable length of 2 km, admiring the panorama of the Altai foothills and plains of this Altai. Natural monuments of federal value were named Round Mountain and the summit of Environment. Wind and rain have created a fantastic and beautiful "stone castles, which look like a place, which is inhabited by good spirits, which guarding Belokurikha at the Round. Willingly traveling guests go to the rock "Four Brothers" - fantastically shaped granite remnants. Even trees: a lone pine tree in half the height of a man who grew up on the absolutely bare rock, a huge century-old "Pine Love" at the sanatorium "Russia" - are tourist attractions. Horse farm breeding, where horses are bred thoroughbred horse breed, is working in the vicinity of Belokurikha. Horseback ndinc is like a rest.

Given the demands of the moment, boarding houses and hotels "without treatment", especially popular among tourists and skiers appeared in the resort, opened cultural and entertainment centers. Infrastructure of entertainment - cafes, restaurants, bars, night clubs, billiards, bowling, etc, developed. Guests of the resort can become spectators and participants of interesting competitions, mass holidays, visit concerts and theatrical performances at any time of year Bored in Belokurikha have not yet managed to anyone.

Внимание! Всем туристам, желающим посетить регионы Сибири (в особенности в мае и в июне) рекомендуем заблаговременно сделать прививку от энцефалита. Особенно это касается активных маршрутов, в которых подразумеваются ночевки в полевых условиях. Если прививки нет, рекомендуем взять с собой соответствующую защитную одежду и средства от клещей.

Скидки предоставляются:

  • пенсионерам и ветеранам
  • турагентствам
  • постоянным клиентам
  • именинникам в день рождения и на следующий день
Туры на Горный Алтай Поиск дешевых авиабилетов
Все туры Авиабилеты



Туризм в Сибири
Страны мира
Tyumen region
Города Сибири