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Sunday, 09 March 2025
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Туры в Сибири arrow Belokurikha arrow Therapeutic factors
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Therapeutic factors

Therapeutic factors

The name of Belokurikha as the best resort in Zaural'e is supported by a unique combination of many medical factors that have a beneficial impact on human health.

The main one - water hot springs, which is belonging to the group of nitrogen-siliceous thermal waters which contain radon and have high content of fluorine and a wide range of trace elements. In sanatorium of Belokurikha its helps to treat diseases of virtually all body systems successfully. Radon water reduces pain, reduces inflammation, strengthens the immune system, calms the nerves, prevents aging. Those who have experienced the impact of water Belokurikha on yourself, know exactly that the magic "elixir of youth" is.

In Russia more than a hundred hospitals that use radon baths. But only in Belokurikha radon is a natural origin. Belokurikha has a street, which previously has not received piped water, and the people, who lived in it, had to take water directly from the sources. Now this street is markedly different from others - the number of centenarians.

The local climate is serves as a healing factor too. In terms of sunshine Belokurikha exceeds resorts of Crimea and the Caucasus. There are no sharp changes in the basic weather parameters, the summer is moderately hot, the winter is sunny and almost windless. Contents of lung aeroinov in the air is twice as much better these indicators of the Swiss resort of Davos. A mountain gorge of river Belokurikha is a unique place on the content of negatively charged ions. Landscape therapy, which has a positive impact of natural landscapes on the nervous system of man, is actively developing here.

The peculiarity of the day is a busy rhythm of life, human presence in a state of lack of time. Special programs that allow for a fairly short period of time - 7-10 days - developed to have a good and recover his health in the resort spas, they usually include a variety of therapies, from massage to non-traditional, spa treatments, etc

Breeding of deers, healing properties of the Altai honey, sanitary potential of local phytotherapy are used in the spa treatment products. Belokurikha sanatoriums have adopted in the struggle for people's health as a modern scientific techniques and natural factors generous Altai.

Внимание! Всем туристам, желающим посетить регионы Сибири (в особенности в мае и в июне) рекомендуем заблаговременно сделать прививку от энцефалита. Особенно это касается активных маршрутов, в которых подразумеваются ночевки в полевых условиях. Если прививки нет, рекомендуем взять с собой соответствующую защитную одежду и средства от клещей.

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Туры на Горный Алтай Поиск дешевых авиабилетов
Все туры Авиабилеты



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